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0500 – Mixture for ditch sides and dykes €36,50

All species are suited for locations that are under water several times of the year. A mixture contains circa 35 different species, whereby the Common Water-plantain (Alisma plantago-aquatica), also known as Mad dog weed, is not missing.


0501 – Mixture for moist soil €42.50

This mixture requires moist soil and low nitrogen. This mixture contains 45 different varieties of seed, including Achillea ptarmica (also known as European pellitory, fair-maid-of-France, goose tongue or white tansy) and Lychnis flos-cuculi (commonly called Ragged Robin). 


0502 – Mixture for Nitrogen rich soil €37.50

Good water management is desirable. Several species in this mixture are suitable for poorer soil types. This mixture includes about 50 seed varieties. 


0503 – Mixture for fertile locations.  €32,50

The mixture is ideal for ditch banks, road sides, compost heaps or in the shade of hedges. Contains medicinal species and herbs for use by cooking, such as Garden Mustard (other common names include Jack-by-the-hedge, Garlic Root, Hedge Garlic or Poor Man's Mustard) and Angelica (commonly known as Garden Angelica, Holy Ghost, Wild Celery, and Norwegian angelica). This mixture contains circa 40 seed varieties. Can grow up to 1m in height. 


0504 – Mixture for locations which were disturbed where re-growth is desired  €24,50

Suitable for field margins, driveways, roadsides. This mixture contains light-loving species with various desires regarding temperature, ph levels, and moisture of the soil. This mixture contains circa 55 different seed varieties.


0505 – Mixture for limey, less fertile soil  €45,-

Flowery meadow mixture for dry nutrient poor calcareous soil. Circa 60 seed varieties in the mix. Growth height 20-40cm. 


0506 – Mixture for dry and nutrient poor grassland.  €36.50

Mixture is suitable for dry, acidic and nutrient poor soil. This mixture contains 30 different seed types, the majority of which are coming from strong plant groups, from grasses to heather. Characteristic in this mixture are Rough Hawkbit, Mat-grass and Heather. 


0508 – Mixture for dry Sunny forest edges €42,50

Mixture consist mainly of light and warm-loving species, such as Rosebay Willowherb and other typical plants for forest edges as European Colombine (Granny’s Bonnet), Foxglove (Lady’s Glove), St John’s wort (Tipton’s weed), Red Campion. Mixture contains about 55 different varieties. Growth height max 80-100cm. 


0509 – Mixture for fertile and peaty woodlands. €47.50

A mixture of around 45 seeds varieties which will flourish under broad-leaved trees, shrubs and on forest edges of fertile peat soil. There are spring and summer flowers available in this mixture. Growth height up to around 50cm. 


0524 – Meadow blend for cattle

A mixture for cattle pasture.


0525 – Mixture for scenic flower meadow
A mixture for a flower meadow.

0526 – Mixture for butterflies

A mixture specially mixed for the benefit of encouraging a healthy butterfly habitat 

0527 – Mixture for horse meadow – grazing

A mixture specially for pasture used for grazing


Mixtures 0500-0509

The mixtures 0500 t0 0509 are delivered with fillers.

In order to achieve equal distribution during sowing a filler is added from pure crushed cereals.

Recommended seeding density is 25 grams/ m2

The mixtures 0500 to 0509 could be delivered as pure seeds on request, in this case the density will depend on the chosen mixture, between 3,5 to 5 gram/m2.

Mixtures 0424-0527 are supplies as pure seeds.